Update On Phase II
From Director Of Capital Campaign, LT. COL. Allen B. West
Greetings everyone, I am retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel and former Member of the US Congress Allen West. I have been asked to serve as the Former Texas Rangers Foundation (FTRF)Director of Capital Campaign for the Texas Rangers Heritage Center (TRHC) in Fredericksburg Texas. We have completed Phase I of the TRHC and now the focus is on Phase II which will be a state of the art interactive learning and educational experience detailing the famed history of North America’s oldest statewide law enforcement agency, the Texas Rangers. Imagine a place where the emphasis is telling the story of the Texas Rangers based upon their five character traits – Dedication, Determination, Courage, Respect, and Integrity – in a series of interactive galleries. As well, your donation will enable us to continue our Lonestar Ranger Youth Citizenship and Lonestar Scouting programs. There is no better place for the Texas Rangers Heritage Center than here in Fredericksburg at Fort Martin Scott where Rangers were once stationed, and near to several Ranger skirmish locations with Comanche raiders. The FTRF is a 501c(3) organization and three-percent of your gift goes towards the operating fund of the FTRF, 97% goes toward the Texas Rangers Heritage Center construction. Join us in this noble endeavor to preserve an integral part of Texas history, and lore. Always remember, before there was a Texas…there were Texas Rangers!
Lieutenant Colonel Allen B. West (US Army, Retired)
Member, 112th US Congress
Director, Texas Rangers Heritage Center Capital Campaign