The LoneStar Ranger Academy Mission
The Texas Rangers Heritage Center’s youth education programming is provided through the The LoneStar Ranger Academy. The Academy is dedicated to instilling moral values, virtuous actions and personal responsibility in our Youth by introducing the “Five Character Traits” of a Texas Ranger and how to employ them in daily life. The result? Better Citizens of the state of Texas, our Nation and our World.
Through structured learning, interpretive history, self-discovery and tried-and-true storytelling, the Five Character Traits of a Texas Ranger: Courage, Determination,
Dedication, Respect and Integrity – are brought to life through the rich legacy of the Rangers and stories of Texas history.
The LoneStar Ranger Academy provides our Youth the opportunity to make the Five Character Traits of a Ranger their Character Traits through our Educational Resources, Camp Fire Stories, Field Trips and Scouting Programs.
Our Philosophy
self-esteem, responsibility and confidence were passed from one generation to the next.